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- Contents
Rezvan Kavousi, Seyyed Mehdi Borghei
An Application of Anaerobic-Aerobic Combined Bioreactor Efficiency in COD Removal 5Agung Kurniawan, Widodo Setiyo Pranowo, Karen Slamet Hardjo, Agus Iwan Santoso, Nurul Khakhim, Taufik Hery Purwanto, Johar Setiyadi
3D Marine Cadastral System to Support Marine Spatial Planning Implementation in Indonesia: A Case Study of Penanjung Bay, Indonesia 19Krzysztof Sokół, Katarzyna Sobolewska-Mikulska
Procedural Inaccuracies and the Issue of Determining Real Estate Value in Court Proceedings 33Szczepan Budkowski
The Use of Geodata in the Process of the Ventilation of the City of Krakow 53Yakup Emre Çoruhlu, Sibel Er Nas, Bayram Uzun, Okan Yıldız, Fatih Şahin, Fatih Terzi, Mehmet Özgür Çelik
Development of Guide Material for the Education of Cultural Immovable Heritage Management for Bachelor Students of Geomatics Engineering 77