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- Contents
Elżbieta Węglińska, Andrzej Leśniak, Andrzej Pasternacki, Paweł Wandycz
Mapping a fracture network formed by hydraulic fracturing in a shale gas reservoir 213Maciej Ziułkiewicz, Rafał Grulke
Hydrochemical aspects of water exchange through the bottom of headwater stream
in suburban zone on the example of the Malina watercourse in Zgierz (Central Poland) 231Tomisław Gołębiowski, Michał Ćwiklik, Dominika Guzior
Complex and spatial analysis of geophysical data recorded in the areas of karst forms developed in horst structures 253Małgorzata Słota-Valim, Anita Lis-Śledziona, Tomasz Topór
Geothermal energy potential of Main Dolomite formation in SW Poland 275Norbert Laskowski, Jacek Kurnatowski
The usability of the Nash cascade-submerged cascade rainfall-runoff model with regard to other conceptual models 295Oksana Hromyk, Leonid Ilyin, Mykola Zinchuk, Igor Grygus, Serhii Korotun, Walery Zukow
Radiological analysis of food products of forest origin in the pollution zone of the Kamin-Kashyrskyi district of the Volyn region of Ukraine 307