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Paulina Ławniczak, Małgorzata Orczyk
Assessment of Annoyance of Traffic Noise Based on Residents’ Subjective Evaluations
and Actual Noise Measurements in Environment 5Sudhir K. Powar, Sachin S. Panhalkar
Flood-susceptibility Analysis of Kolhapur City Using Frequency Ratio Model 23Abdessamad Mazzourh, Morad Taher, Abdellah Ouhadi, Houria Dakak, Hinde Cherkaoui Dekkaki
Mapping Groundwater-Potential Zones Using Geospatial and Decision‑Making Approaches: Case Study of Ghiss-Nekkour Watershed in Northeastern Morocco 47Hubert Horynek
Convergence between Increased Light Pollution and Urban Sprawl Dynamic in Poland (2012–2022) 73Magdalena Karabin-Zych
Analysis of Selected Indicators that Are Useful in Assessing Farming Conditions in Agriculture on Example of Masovian Voivodeship 95